Samstag, 1. Oktober 2016

Fundraising Management

Fundraising Management
Fundraising ManagementApplying the principles of marketing to nonprofit organizations and the fundraising sector is vital for the modern fundraiser who wants to increase profitability and diversify their fundraising efforts in this challenging industry. This comprehensive how-to guide provides a thorough grounding in the principles underpinning professional practices and critically examines the key issues in fundraising policy, planning and implementation. This new edition of Fundraising Management builds on the successful previous editions by including modern perspectives on organizational behaviour, extended coverage of digital fundraising and donor behaviour, including an examination of group influences on behaviour, and a new chapter on the use of social media for supporter engagement and retention. Combining scholarly analysis with practical real life examples, Fundraising Management has been endorsed by the Institute of Fundraising, and is mapped to the Certificate and Diploma in Fundraising, making it the definitive guide to best practice both in the UK and globally. This is a clear, problem-solving guide that no fundraising student or professional should be without.

Author: Adrian Sargeant
Company: Routledge (2014-07-18) (2014-07-18)
ISBN: 041583158X
List Price: EUR 61,20
Amazon Price: EUR 25,00
Used Price: EUR 28,51

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